Gill Crozier
Gill Crozier has been an active member of The European Research Network of Parents in Education (ERNAPE) since 2001. She served twice as an invited speaker at the biennial ERNAPE Conference and she served as the United Kingdom’s representative in the ERNAPE Steering Committee from 2013 until 2022. She organised the 2017 ERNAPE Conference at Roehampton University, London in 2017 and served as Chair of ERNAPE between 2017-2019. As a sociologist of education, she has researched and written extensively about parents/families and school relationships, young people in urban schools, and access to and participation in higher education. Her work is underpinned by a deep concern for social justice and is informed by the analysis of race, class and gender and the ways these social locations and identities intersect and impact on life chances.
Recent publications:
- Changing Pedagogical Spaces in Higher Education. Diversity, Inequalities and Misrecognition (2017). London and New York: Routledge. SRHE series.
- Race Matters: urban education, globalisation and the 21st century. In William Pink and George Noblett (eds) (2017) The International Handbook on Urban Education. Springer Publications
- Peer relations in higher education: raced, classed and gendered constructions and Othering (2016) Whiteness Journal. Download citation
- Schools and Family Relationships: engaging with diversity, enriching young people’s educational experiences. In H. Jacques, C. Timmerman, et al. (eds) (2016) Youth in Education. The necessity of valuing ethnocultural diversity London and NY: Routledge.
Birte Ravn
Birte Ravn was the founder of The European Research Network About Parents in Education (ERNAPE)-1994 and the Nordic one (NORNAPE). She was the Chair of both these networks until 2005. She served as the Danish representative in the ERNAPE Steering Committee until 2005. Her immense contribution to both networks’ establishment and growth was accompanied by her extensive research work in the areas of the relationship between parents, children, teachers and the local community, both in the Danish and the international context. Her research work in these research areas was focusing on the cultural context of learning and education, the affective dimensions of learning, as well as teacher professionalism.
Main research (and development)projects:
- 1978 – 1980: The Task of Teachers and Schools to inform and co-operate with Parents
- 1983 – 1987: Co-operation between Parents and Teachers – a Challenge to Teachers
- 1987 – 1991: Schools as local Cultural Centres – a nationwide development project
- 1994: The locally Anchored School
- 1998 – 2000: “Education and National Culture: a comparative study of pupil attitudes to secondary schooling in England, France and Denmark” (ENCOMPASS) together with English and French researchers. See “A World of Difference? Comparing Learners Across Europe
- 2006-2012: “School-home co-operation, a cultural given – a multi-sited ethnografic study” (Who called it co-operation? Only in Danish)
Some publications:
- 1994: Expectations about Parents in Education (Ravn/A. Macbeth edit.) EPA publication (not available any longer?)
- 1995: “Involving children and Parents” in Children’s Services: Chaping up for the Milleniu¬m. Supporting Children and Families in the United Kingdom and Families in the United King¬dom and Scandinavia. Edit. B. Cohen and U. Hagen, University of Edinburg
- 1996: “Current Trends in Political and Pedagogical Conditions for Family, Community and School Partnerships in Europe” in Challenges to European Education: Cultural Values, National Identities, and Global Responsibilities. Edit. Thyge Winther-Jensen. Peter Lang, Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften.English preface, introduction and summary to the Nordic anthology: “Between home and school – A democratic democratic community of interest?” – Editors of the Nordic anthology: “Mellem hjem og skole 2 – Er et demokratisk fællesskab muligt?”: P. Arneberg and Birte Ravn. (1995, 1996) Unge Paedagoger.
- 2002: “The Cultural Context of Learning and Education in England, France and Denmark – as a basis for understanding educational change” Journal of Educational Change, 3: 241-261. Kluwer Academic Publish
- 2003: “A World of Difference? Comparing Learners Across Europe” (Osborn, M. et al. Open University Press)
- 2007: Learning Beyond Cognition (Kryger & Ravn) Danish University Press
- 2012: Hvem sagde samarbejde? Et hverdagslivsstudie af skole-hjem_relationer. Dannesboe, Kryger, Palludan, Ravn. Århus Univerrsitetsforlag
Maria Adelina Villas-Boas
Professor Emerita Unniversiity of Lisbon, Portugal. Director, Master on Intercultural Education at the Scchool of Psychology and Sciences of Education, where she has lectured for more than twenty years. Researcher at the Institute of Education of the same University.Pedagogical supervisor of the Ministry of Education. Member of the Scientific Board of School of Education “Joao de Deus”. Chair of the 9th ERNAPE Conference in Lisbon in 2013. President of ERNAPE from 2013 until 2015.
University of Lisbon, Portugal, Ph. D. in Sciences of Education. Boston University, U.S.A. Master of Education. Author of several books and inumerous articles on Parental Involvement, Home~School Relationships and Literacy Development, published in five different countries. Guest Editor of the IJPE, 2013, vol.7, N2 on Families, Schools and Communities: New Trends for a Future with Equity.